I graduated from Cheltenham with a BA (Hons)1st class in 1978. I studied Art education at Margaret St, Birmingham and gained a P.G.C.E. in 1979. I taught in Sheffield schools for over 28 years.
Since retiring in 2014 I have had more time to practise my art. My main interest is in producing evocative symbolic abstract imagery. For example I have linked imagery in both photography and mixed media work with the words of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”. A set of seven more figurative landscapes ” New Horizons” was exhibited at various venues in Sheffield. In 2013 I exhibited a set of images loosely linked to the poem by Robert Frost “A Road Not Taken” at Sheffield showcase. In 2013/14 sparked by seeing the Hockney RA show, I spent some time using an iPad to draw on. I now use the iPad extensively not only to sketch on but also to digitally model work in progress to visualise ways forward. In 2015 I exhibited a set of mixed media work “All Nature” in a group show in Sheffield. More recently I have been working with the theme “Limitary Patterns”.
The local Peak District landscape offers wonderful opportunities to capture the scale and grandeur of nature. Other subjects that I return to with photography and sketching include the vast open skies & seascapes of British and foreign coasts. My photography and figurative work directly feed into, and inform the abstract work. This output continues to oscillate between photography, computer art, sketching and painting, between figurative and abstract and between digital and actual. That doesn’t mean I am lost or without focus, just on the move with an holistic vision.
The impact of social media around my practice also continues to promote this flux. I constantly reference the history of my own output which leads to motifs and interests resurfacing with new twists. I enjoy not knowing where this will lead.
A catalogue of a set of 100 iPad drawings made in 2014 is available at ‘2014: 100 Drawings‘
My photography work from 2008 is available in the book ‘Dark Peak Distant Shores’.
My sculpture work from 1975 – 2005 is examined in a retrospective study ’30 Years’ .
My Landscape Photography and poetry is here “Monochrome Land” .
A catalogue of Landscape photography ‘Divergent Landscape‘ explores a transition from the scene to the surface.