…he had of me
All he could have; I made him just and right,
Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall.
John Milton: Paradise Lost.
Milton’s God reacts to Man’s foreseeable fall by his plan of grace, …. Milton’s idea of grace is not “irresistible,” but “conditional” upon Man’s choice to accept or refuse it. For Milton, Man does not have the “will” to save himself, but can choose to be “saved” by a will that can save him.
From “Free will and necessity in Milton’s Paradise Lost”.
Acrylic media, pva, found materials, crayon
Stages of progress below;
From the original snap through cropping,
digital manipulation printing as a montage 71cm sq
adding found material.
and painting
developing composition
developing composition

glazing with heavy acrylic medium
Acrylic media, pva, found materials, crayon
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